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"Thanks again for our session earlier this week. A lot has shifted and I really have observed a change in my energy and way of interacting / being in my present life. I’ve been left with such a positive and inspired impression. The experience was truly incredible and when I try and share it with others is when I realise how limiting words really are - I couldn’t recommend horse therapy enough and would encourage everyone to give it a go. You and the horses make a wonderful team Claire :-)"
"A truly eye-opening experience. I was shocked at what a genuinely wonderful gift these beautiful horses have for guiding me towards a realisation that I was previously unable to see. In a world where it is so easy to get sucked in to trying to be someone that you’re not, it was really refreshing to spend time and learn from these teachers who are completely true to themselves. They reminded me how to be more assertive, more proactive and to live in the moment. I would thoroughly recommend BEAT to everyone, these horses are just incredible!"
"What an amazing experience working with BEAT. I really enjoyed every session and took home new insights from each one. Claire led the sessions with confidence and put me immediately at ease. Her observations were incredibly accurate and made a lot of sense to me. The horses were lovely to work with, such gentle guides.
I learnt a lot about myself in the sessions and will definitely take this forward into my personal and professional life. I would highly recommend this if you are looking to develop your self awareness or are feeling stuck or blocked in any aspect of your life."
"Yesterday, I was privileged to experience something that was very much needed in my own recovery process. Growing up, I spent a great deal of my time with horses and have always held them close to my heart. My own daughter, at the tender age of 2 is completely fascinated by her beloved ‘neigh neighs’ and in recent months reminded me that these wonderful creatures had gradually disappeared from my adult life. Synchronisitcally, I was invited by the wonderful Claire Cole for my first foray into Equine Assisted Therapy. I can honestly say that it was one the most transformative experiences that I have had and I was so utterly blown away by the time I spent alongside these wise equine mentors. Just being guided by the horses, reflecting on the light and shadow in my own life has revealed so much to me. The connection I felt to them was truly breathtaking and incredibly life-enhancing. Claire, my heartfelt thanks goes out to you. Your invitation arrived at a truly serendipitous moment and offered me much needed space and personal reflection time. The serenity, clarity and support that I felt as a result of just one morning with these guys has genuinely reshaped my thinking moving forward."
"Last week I had my first experience of Equine Assisted Therapy. I was not at all sure what to expect and was quite nervous beforehand. Claire was very calm and explained to me how the session would work. I was given the chance to “meet the herd” and I was quite overwhelmed by the experience and the gentleness of the horses. It was quite humbling the way they react to you. The session was really interesting and made me reflect on a few areas where I have hang ups. I found it a very peaceful and calming process. However, the most amazing thing to me was the after effect. I had been suffering from stress induced eczema on the back of both of my hands. One horse, in particular, noticed this and responded to it. A few days afterwards I realised that my hands were no longer sore and I realised the eczema had completely gone. Although I had been doing nothing different and had been treating the eczema the same as I had been in previous weeks. The only thing I can think of that I had done differently was the BEAT session. I am not claiming that this is the cure for everything, but I really believe this helped with some of the stress that was causing the problem on my hands. I would definitely recommend this therapy to others."
"I am fascinated with my new discovery of the horse and its sensitivity to feelings. I went to the first session with no expectations, however I have learnt so much about myself! The lessons from the horse have taught me not to suppress my feelings; to take the time to be aware of how my body reacts from one moment to the next. It’s taught me that I must believe in myself, be more assertive and be true to how I feel. Claire is so calm, professional and knowledgeable - I trusted her immediately. Who knows where my experience with the horse will lead but I feel very positive. I would definitely recommend BEAT to anyone needing to reconnect to their essence."
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